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Mobile #: +90 (533) 5930314
Adres: İzmir - Türkiye


Turkish: Mother tongue
English: C2 Level (Master)
German: A1 Level (Beginner)
Russian: A1 Level (Beginner)


Ege University - İzmir - Türkiye

Computer Engineering (BSc) - 1986
Computer Engineering (MSc) - 1988

Tarasa Schevchenko Univeristy - Kiev - Ukraine

Business Administration (MBA) - 2010


After graduating Computer Engineering Faculty and got BSc degree from Aegean University – Izmir, I finished my MSc degree in computer engineering from same faculty. While I was studying my MSc, I also become a Research Assistant and System Programmer for the same faculty. After 2 years of work, I realized that being a civil servant is not one of my goals and quit the job after finishing my MSc. At the same time, I got an offer from a company who is working for Government and selling hardware and software systems for Air Force and Hospitals.

I accepted the offer and become a Project Manager for the group which is developing software for university hospitals. After I started to work, I realized that the main problem was not following the patients, but gathering the data to print the invoice for the patients. Before we solve this problem the minimum time to print the invoice after patients are getting out was 3 to 6 months. After our system started to work the time decreased dramatically to 20 seconds. By this way hospital can manage their budget much more precisely and effectively. We developed this system on IBM Mainframe 3090 and using PL/I as programmer language, VSAM as database, CICS as user interface and DOS/VSE as operating system.

After finishing developing and installation of Hospital Systems to different university hospitals in Turkey, I get an offer from the biggest tomato canning company at that time called Tukaş A.Ş. I accepted this offer and started as an IT Manager of the company responsible from 4 sites all over the Aegean Region in Turkey. Developed software for Budgeting, Accounting, Human Resources, Factory Management, Warehouse Control, Stock Control, Production Planning, Reporting and Decision-Making Systems. All systems were developed on IBM Midframe AS/400 computers. As programming language, we used RPG/400, as database we used OS/400’s database and OS/400 as a operating system. After all systems started to work the decision-making process for budgeting decreased to almost 1 hour after getting all numbers online and make help making estimations. Before it was weeks to make a final budget.

During working in Tukaş company, I decided to set up my own company. Main goal was to be the first company in OEM computers in Aegean Region in Turkey, but beginning of 2000’s were very tough years for Turkey from economical point of view so after working almost 2 years I decided to close this company although we had a very good reputation in the region

During same time a company called SOFT Computers approached me and offered a job as a Region Manager. I accepted this offer and start to build a team. Main topic was managing the turn key projects for Transportation companies by Air, sea and land in the region. Customer Relationship management was the main topic that I had to deal with and manage. During these 2 years of work all customer satisfaction is increased and support functions became much more stable. As I had to close my own company before I always had this dream to work for my own.

After the last economic crises became much more controlled and lighten up I decided to establish my own company CeCo Ltd.. Our first project was the Teacher Assignment Process for the Ministry of Education for Ankara. Their problem was they had to make all assignments manually among almost thousands of requests. They could only full fill 500-600 of these requests during a season which is between May and September. Together with my team of 3 people and with my management and planning abilities together with development capabilities we managed to finish this project in 4 months. For 2002 assignments we started the tests on April 2002 and finished all tests by mid of April 2002. All Assignments were done by this system during that season and more than 20.000 teacher assignments were full filled and that was a record in the history of Turkish Republic at those days. All other cities were in the que of installation. Unfortunately, on November 2002 after the general elections the new government decided not to continue with this project although the results are unquestionable. They simply close the deal and stop the project. This decision was the worst decision that I had to give and decided to close my company for the second time because of these uncertainties.

I was approached by Aegean University Foundation almost at the same time for a General Manager Position for one the biggest companies that this foundation owns. I accepted this offer and become General Manager of the company which is developing Hospital Automation Systems which I was the project manager almost 15 years ago at that day. Unfortunately, I realized that almost nothing new was added to the system, but only the database changed from SQL to Oracle and some user interfaces were changed. Almost all hospitals that we are giving support to were running different instances of this software which was another burden on giving support. I had to give a radical decision and the same time started two different projects, one was to consolidate the system under one instance of the software and the second one is to rewrite the system with new web based technologies.

While working with these two top projects I was approached by Credit Europe Bank – Moscow (Former Finansbank) to become the Vice President of The Bank as responsible from IT and Business Development. Because of the sector and offered possibilities I accepted this offer. At that time, bank was trying to migrate to a new program written by the Finansbank team. As I was new in the system and had to learn too much information first which was not logical at that time, I decided to be the contact point of the information interchange between Russian colleagues and Turkish team members of the migration team. All banking systems were switched to the new system by the end of 2006 successfully. One of the main problems was new account opening took almost 30 minutes and end of day process took hours while there was only a small gap of 2.5 hours to finish it because of the time differences in Russia. After the migration account opening time decreased to seconds and end of day process took 1 hours which was a huge performance increase in the system. After this I was asked to go to Ukraine to be a member of the Start Up team for Credit Europe Bank in Ukraine. I accepted this offer. During this time of work in Russia and learned the multiculture environment and working styles..

Started to continue to work for Credit Europe Bank in Ukraine. Created a project plan to start working with the same software that was installed successfully in Moscow. Infrastructure, system room plans, DRP are all implemented according to the Ukrainian banking regulations. Also build a team of professionals to continue developing software and giving support to all banking operations. In mid-2007 all operations started to work in the bank. One by one all functions including credit cards started to work successfully. Till to the end of 2010, 20 branches and regional offices in different cities of Ukraine opened and 400 local users started to work in the bank. Unfortunately, the impact of the 2009 economic crisis was more than expected both for Ukraine and for the bank. Because of this management decided to decrease the work force and close some businesses like retail banking etc. Due to this unclear situation together with the management we decided that most accurate decision that can be given is for me to quit the job and return back to Turkey.

As soon as come back to Turkey I was approached by the company called Univera A.S. which was one of the biggest company in Sales in Fields, barcodes and stock control automation. They offered me a Customer Relationship Directorate and accepted it. Specifically, I worked on the management of the requests comes from customers. After the processes were cleared and automized as a result the complaints from customers were decreased and satisfaction of the customers increased as they can start to follow their own requests and can follow up the plans about their requests easily. Visits to customers also was one of the key points of this job.

During 2014 and 2015 I wanted to spent some time with my family and specifically with my mother because her health was not good..

In 2015 I was approached by the biggest tour company in Russia called Coral Travel to become the IT Director (CIO) of this company, with the responsibility of 4 countries and almost 15 companies all together. I accepted this challenge and went back to Moscow again. First thing that I realized was to change the data center that our systems were reside and successfully manage this migration. At the same time, I gave support to the work to speed up the software and consolidate all countries under one umbrella so that support functions can also be reduced. After these works together with our new data center and software company started to work much more secure, efficient and much more quickly. Because of the pandemic on 2020 I decided to come back to Turkey after agreed with the management.

On August 2020 I was approached by a new start up company called Joy Travel. Same kind of work was offered as IT Director (CIO) as in Coral Travel. I accepted the offer and went back to Moscow. Started to get offers for new data center, new software, new office place, infrastructure and building teams for IT. Although I was very happy in this job it seems that we have very deep conflicts with the management although it was not like that at the beginning. On top of these conflicts as the future of the company was not clear enough I decided to quit the job after 8 months of work.

After coming back to Turkey, I tried to spend my time to update myself with new technologies by getting many trainings from well-known companies. At the moment I am working 3 different projects and all of them are long term projects. One of them is even a very challenging one which is building a new sector in agriculture business. Other projects are software projects. I am personally working, data base design, front end and backend design and developments.

Additional Trainings

ISO90001:2000 Quality Management Systems Requirements (IMI - International Management Institute)
Human Relations Management (Remeda Danışmanlık)
Building Sales Force (Remeda Danışmanlık)
Supply Chain Management (Tukaş Turgutlu Konservicilik)
Customer Management (Remeda Danışmanlık)
Risk Management (FIBA Holding)
Budget Management (FIBA Holding)
VSE/SP System Programmer (IBM Mainframes)
PL/I & COBOL Programming Language (IBM)
CICS/VSAM Installation and Administration (IBM)
Project Management (PMI Project Management Institute)


(Click on the link below to see the document)

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association